Entry #2 The Handmaid's Tale Reflections

Last Wednesday, Ms Li played the movie, The Handmaid’s Tale, for us to watch. Before she did so, she told us that after watching it, we would really appreciate living the way we are now. At first, I thought that it would just be showing all the things that people in the community would be missing out if leaders tried to perfect their community or country, just like it was in The Giver. However, I did not expect to feel so disturbed after watching those few clips of the movie. This was because in the clips, the feelings of the people were portrayed very strongly. This was different from The Giver, as in The Giver, the author did not express any negative emotions faced by the people in the community, but only showed how happy and oblivious the people were. This was because they had no memories. On the other hand, in The Handmaid’s Tale, the emotions of the people were shown very clearly. This was because they had memories.
The Handmaid’s Tale is also different from The Giver as it did not practice sameness while the people in The Giver did. In The Handmaid’s Tale, men had a higher social standing than women. This is evident from the fact that handmaids were not called by their real names, but by their ‘handmaid names’. This ‘handmaid name’ consisted of the word ‘of’, followed by the name of the handmaid’s commander. For example, the main character of this show was called Kate, but she was called by her handmaid name, which was ‘offred’, whereby her commander’s name was ‘Fred’. Also, women were only treated as instruments for giving birth and were ‘reduced to their fertility’.
The Handmaid’s Tale brings across the idea of ‘a utopia gone wrong’. When the leaders tried to perfect the community, many dystopian factors came in. There was misery among the people and they’d rather die than have to live in such a state where there was no individual freedom and expressions. Much violence was also involved while trying to maintain a ‘perfect’ society. The scenes that left a very deep impression on me were the ones where it showed the different characters in the show screaming in agony (when the people were punished and during the sexual scenes) and their exasperated and tear-stained faces. These scenes made me feel really upset and indignant for the people.
At July 13, 2010 at 8:44 PM ,
Niki So said...
I think that what Judith has said is very true!
I felt exactly like her after i watched the Handmaid's Tale. I regretted that I had watched the movie as some scenes were very disturbing, but yet again, we needed to learn to be appreciative of what we had. If I had not watched the Handmaid's Tale, my appreciation of what I have would not have been so strong.
I also think that the show taught us that for almost every Utopian community that is created, the desired effect is always not achieved as it is inevitable that dystopian features arise.
When a world is created with only the word "perfection" in mind, other problems always appear, just like how we saw it in the Handmaid's Tale. They tried very hard to create a Utopian community by making everyone have a role They tried to get rid of the blacks and even tried to increase the birth rate by assigning the fertile women as "Handmaids". As consequences , the blacks were very unhappy. Also, everyone belonging to the same role in the community wore the same clothes. Thus I feel that this took their individuality away.
While watching the video, I did not hear Kate say her same very clearly, but Ms Li later informed us that it was "Offred". This too was disturbing as naming people like that seemed as if women were the property of the men they were "assigned" to. I feel that this is very saddening for the Handmaids but they do not have a say in changing any of this.
At July 17, 2010 at 10:41 PM ,
Jonas, from The Giver said...
Yeah JudYth, I agree with you :) The punishments that the handmaids had to go through when they made an extremely minor transgression were utterly disturbing.
Even after being shown just a little part of this movie, I really appreciate our imperfect world a million times more. (Precision of language. HAHA ☺)
Actually, I feel I would rather be in Jonas’s world than this because, chances are given to the citizens and a pill is given to suppress their natural feelings. However for the world in the handmaid’s tale, citizens have to continue living with their natural feelings and yet are not allowed to express them, and also, they are not given any chances. Any minor transgression is resulted in either being hung in front of the whole community or utterly unbearable punishments.
In my opinion, having to suppress your own feelings, without the help of any medication is extremely tough and agonizing. Anyway, I wouldn’t want to live in an emotionless and colourless world. Still, I am glad we watched this movie and read The Giver because these two worlds really made me appreciate the things around me even more, including you. HAHA ☺
At July 29, 2010 at 6:00 AM ,
sarah(: said...
I share the same sentiments(:
The Handmaid's Tale made a huge impact on my life and at the same time, made me realise how lucky I was to be living in our present-day society.
The movie clearly displays how too much emphasis on the strive for perfection, something that is encouraged in our society, can actually give off unfavourable effects.
We often feel that being able to live in a perfect world would be a dream come true, but in the midst of achieving that goal, we don't stop to think about what sacrifices we have to make. These sacrifices that we try to make may seem small and unimportant to us, but they might actually be more than that. These sacrifices may just be the beginning to a huge problem.
Sometimes, we neglect certain aspects of our lives, as we concentrate too much on trying to get the perfect grades, the perfect life, the perfect looks, the perfect... everything.
However, it is actually these little imperfections in our lives(like what dilys has stated) that truly make our life perfect.
Imagine living in a 'perfect' world.Someplace where you have freedom, someplace where you are perfect, someplace where you are on top. If you do not make mistakes,then how would you learn from them? If you have total freedom, then how would you know when it's time to stop? Time to restrain yourself from certain things?
Hence, having certain imperfections and obstacles in our lives are actually good things.
(: Through this movie, I definitely appreciated our lives, and although it was disturbing and provoking, it helps serve as a reminder to reflect on our past actions, and to be conscious of our every action, every thought.
In short, it has really made me treasure my life, friends and family more(:
At July 29, 2010 at 8:56 PM ,
Claris said...
Hi Judith!
Unlike everyone, I wished Miss Li had shown us the whole movie! Although some scenes were very disturbing, i felt that they have a lot of significance.
I agree with you that The Handmaid’s Tale brings across the idea of ‘a utopia gone wrong’. It is far from perfect. As we can see, nobody was happy living in such a controlled world.
I did not like the fact that men had a higher social standing than women. It is somewhat like the ancient days when boys were favoured over girls. It is certainly unfair!
After watching the few clips, I am more appreciative of the world we live in. I would never want to live in such a world like Offred's.
This movie has left a deep impression on me. One day, I shall either finish watching the movie or read the book!
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