Entry #5 A Poem
Family is,
heaven sent from our father above,
bonded by the power of love.
No matter what family has each others back,
when push comes to shove.
Family is,
understanding, never demanding,
all for one and one for all,
I will never leave you alone standing.
Family is,
one in itself, my love is your love,
your pain is my pain, my wealth is your wealth,
I promise to never leave you by yourself.
Family is,
the strongest team, the strongest unit;
if love could be visualized,
family would be the blue print.
Family is,
forgiveness and patience,
it's sweeter than the sweetest fragrance,
the power of family is a reflection of Gods compassion and magnificence.
Family is,
never turning our back, and never shames,
lend my helping hand and not a finger pointing the blame.
No matter what a family bond can never be broken,
even through a nuclear explosion,
if one of us lives we all live.
Forever to eternity,
we are family, my father, my mother, my sisters and me.
Antony Smith
In this poem, the author describes what his family is like and how he feels about his family. Through each stanza, he unravels a little more facts about his family and how much they mean to him.
From the poem, we can tell that the author’s family goes through thick and thin together. They have ‘each others back’ no matter what happens, and they would never leave one another standing alone. This is emphasized by the fact that the author wrote about how a family would never abandon their members in the first, second and third stanza. (First stanza: ‘No matter what family has each others back’; Second Stanza: ‘I will never leave you alone standing’; Third Stanza: ‘I promise to never leave you by yourself’) Hence, we can tell that the author’s family would be there for one another, whether it is the good times or the bad times. They would stand together, through it all.
The author’s family is also very strong. This is evident from the fact that the author can say with confidence th
at his ‘family bond can never be broken, even through a nuclear explosion’. He knows that they are and will always be a family ‘forever to eternity’. This shows that the author’s family ties are so strong that no matter what happens, they will always be together and that nothing can separate them.
We can also tell that the author’s family is filled with love. The author’s family is ‘bonded by the power of love’, ‘understanding, never demanding’ and there is ‘forgiveness and patience’. The author states that ‘if love could be visualized, [his] family would be the blueprint’. This shows that there is much love in the author’s family, as without love, all these would not be possible. They would also not be a strong family and go through thick and thin together as they would not see the point in doing so. Hence, I can tell that the author’s family is filled with love.
I feel that love is the most important and most essential thing to have in a family. This is because with love, everything else comes under it. With love, family members would be able to understand one another, forgive one another and be patient with one another. With l
ove, family members would be able to stand together. They would have a reason for doing so-because they loved one another. A family would be nothing without love.
However, in Jonas’s community and family, love does not exist. When Jonas asked his parents whether they loved him, they found it awkward and told him that the word love was very generalized and it was ‘so meaningless that [it became] almost obsolete’. Jonas’s parents did not truly understand what love was, they did not know how meaningful it was. Although, they did show care and concern for each other and for their children, they only did so because they were supposed to do and not out of love. They were numb to the feeling of love and thus, relationships and bonds could not be built. If something happened to one of the family members one day, they would not feel the pain. This can be proven from the fact that although Gabe had stayed with the family for quite some time, Father could still release him without feeling any emotions, let alone pain, Also, in Jonas’s community, when the adults became old, they would go to the House of the old where their children would forget about them. If love existed in a family, such things would not happen. Hence, I feel that love is vital in a family as without love, having a family would be nothing.
Family is,
heaven sent from our father above,
bonded by the power of love.
No matter what family has each others back,
when push comes to shove.
Family is,
understanding, never demanding,
all for one and one for all,
I will never leave you alone standing.
Family is,
one in itself, my love is your love,
your pain is my pain, my wealth is your wealth,
I promise to never leave you by yourself.
Family is,
the strongest team, the strongest unit;
if love could be visualized,
family would be the blue print.
Family is,
forgiveness and patience,
it's sweeter than the sweetest fragrance,
the power of family is a reflection of Gods compassion and magnificence.
Family is,
never turning our back, and never shames,
lend my helping hand and not a finger pointing the blame.
No matter what a family bond can never be broken,
even through a nuclear explosion,
if one of us lives we all live.
Forever to eternity,
we are family, my father, my mother, my sisters and me.
Antony Smith
In this poem, the author describes what his family is like and how he feels about his family. Through each stanza, he unravels a little more facts about his family and how much they mean to him.
From the poem, we can tell that the author’s family goes through thick and thin together. They have ‘each others back’ no matter what happens, and they would never leave one another standing alone. This is emphasized by the fact that the author wrote about how a family would never abandon their members in the first, second and third stanza. (First stanza: ‘No matter what family has each others back’; Second Stanza: ‘I will never leave you alone standing’; Third Stanza: ‘I promise to never leave you by yourself’) Hence, we can tell that the author’s family would be there for one another, whether it is the good times or the bad times. They would stand together, through it all.
The author’s family is also very strong. This is evident from the fact that the author can say with confidence th

We can also tell that the author’s family is filled with love. The author’s family is ‘bonded by the power of love’, ‘understanding, never demanding’ and there is ‘forgiveness and patience’. The author states that ‘if love could be visualized, [his] family would be the blueprint’. This shows that there is much love in the author’s family, as without love, all these would not be possible. They would also not be a strong family and go through thick and thin together as they would not see the point in doing so. Hence, I can tell that the author’s family is filled with love.
I feel that love is the most important and most essential thing to have in a family. This is because with love, everything else comes under it. With love, family members would be able to understand one another, forgive one another and be patient with one another. With l

However, in Jonas’s community and family, love does not exist. When Jonas asked his parents whether they loved him, they found it awkward and told him that the word love was very generalized and it was ‘so meaningless that [it became] almost obsolete’. Jonas’s parents did not truly understand what love was, they did not know how meaningful it was. Although, they did show care and concern for each other and for their children, they only did so because they were supposed to do and not out of love. They were numb to the feeling of love and thus, relationships and bonds could not be built. If something happened to one of the family members one day, they would not feel the pain. This can be proven from the fact that although Gabe had stayed with the family for quite some time, Father could still release him without feeling any emotions, let alone pain, Also, in Jonas’s community, when the adults became old, they would go to the House of the old where their children would forget about them. If love existed in a family, such things would not happen. Hence, I feel that love is vital in a family as without love, having a family would be nothing.
At July 24, 2010 at 6:49 AM ,
GLADI said...
I agree that LOVE is really important in a family. The definition of love is the affectionate concern for the well being of others. In other words, love is caring and showing concern to others.
LOVE is the main factor that makes up a family. Whenever we feel lonely or dejected in the outside world, we always know that there is a place called home where our family members will constantly shower us with love and concern, which will encourage us and gives us strength. If a family is without love, what is the point of having a family?
When I was in Primary 6, there was once where I felt very lonely and very sad. However, the moment I stepped in my house, I felt love so strong as my family members greeted me with a big smile and a warm embrace. I really understood the importance of having a family with love on that day. I was greatly encouraged with their simple act of smiling and embracing me. Now, I know that I can always run back to my family whenever I am feeling low.
Hence, familial love is very important to every single one of us. We may not know it now but the time will come when we experience a difficult time and our family members will be standing by us, showing love and concern. We will then understand the value of family love.
Therefore, I AGREE with you! Haha!
At July 26, 2010 at 3:18 AM ,
Wan Ni said...
Hi Judith :)
I agree that love is the most important thing in a family.
Receiving love from your family makes you feel fortunate.
Reading what you said about Jonas and his family, I placed myself in Jonas's situation. I thought about asking my parents whether they loved me. And receiving an answer equivalent to "No". Even thinking it makes me feel so depressed. I cannot imagine how Jonas must have felt when his father said that love is a generalized word which is so meaningless.
I also agree that the poeple are numb to the feeling of love with the evidence that you gave - Jonas's father can still release Gabriel, not struggling with any emotions.
To me, love in the family warms my heart. I can trust my family because they loved me. I can tell them everything, not having to worry about them telling others.
Family love is very important...regardless of whether it is in Jonas's society or our world!
At July 28, 2010 at 3:07 AM ,
Lillian said...
Hey Judith!
I really like the poem that you have chosen and I think it is really cute and meaningful :D
Love is very important and is essential not only between family, but also between friends. It is the thing that ties everything together. I agree with what you have said that with love, we would be able to understand, forgive and be patient with each other. However, in Jonas' society, they do not experience love, and to them, it is meaningless. They do not do things out of love, but instead do things because they have to and it is part of their daily routines. Therefore, I feel that love is extremely important as it ties relationships together.
At July 28, 2010 at 4:39 AM ,
JingJing said...
Aloha Judith,
nice post:)
I thought of Jonas's family while reading your poem about family. The poem talked about family, about the love and bond between family, of which, JOnas's family lacked.
I absolutely agree with you when you said that love is the most important and most essential in a family. I can't imagine a family without love, except for Jonas's though.
When at first I read about the part when Jonas asked his parents whether they loved him, I did not expect them to say anything like "of course we do, we are a family!" because such a speech did not seem to be possible in Jonas's society, but the least I had expected was for them to laugh at his question and asking him to note his precision of language!Jonas must have been so hurt, I feel really sorry for him.
I love my family and I can't believe what will happen to me if I lose them, I don't think I have the courage to carry on with my life, when I had no one to lean on back at home.
I had really learnt to appreciate my family much more, I know they love me and care about me. To return them what they had done for me, I loved them back. I hope this cycle never ends and that my family will stay loving like this forever, and ever. I also think that love is really themost essential factor in a family and I hope that love will exist in every family because love is really the most heart-warming and joyous feeling I can ever feel.
At July 28, 2010 at 7:41 AM ,
maysin's Giver project said...
Hi, Judith! I think this is really such a lovely poem on familial love. I absolutely agree with you that love is indeed vital in a family, for it is this that keeps us together in the ups and downs of life. It is a priceless feeling that cannot be bought and is hard to explain. I think this would be an emotion "that can only be felt" like Jonas said. I think that it is really sad that Jonas's family does value the importance of Love and even called it as "meaningless" when the word itself contained so much meaning! I think Jonas must have felt an emptiness in his hearts after the disappointing answer that he had received.
I especially like the phase "all for one and one for" in this poem. It really shows what being 'a Family' means-- sticking up for each other whenever and wherever. It also shows how strong and powerful familial love is.
I think the phrase "I promise to never leave you by yourself" applies well to 'The Giver'. For this, I am referring to the "the strongest team" of Jonas and Gabriel. I consider them the "the strongest team" because the love bond that holds them together is so strong. Jonas slowly developed love for Gabriel as he passes memories to him each night secretly. They eventually grew to be so inseparable that Gabriel "cried all night" uncontrollably when he did not sleep with Jonas, and Jonas, unable to leave Gabriel into the hands of death, even brought him with him to escape to Elsewhere. Imagine a twelve year old taking baby to escape! Is this not a evidence strong enough to support the strong love bond that Jonas and Gabriel have and the sentimental phrase "I promise to never leave you by yourself" ?
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