Entry #6 Allocation of Assignments

Even though the Elders tried to make everyone and everything in the community alike and fair, and to create sameness within the community, it was not possible. All the Assignments in the community were supposed to be equal and respected, but this was not the case. This is evident from the fact that there were certain assignments in the community which were more respected than others and also certain assignments that were looked down on. For example, being The Receiver of Memory was thought to be ‘the most important job in the community’ and whoever took on the job was ‘greatly honoured’. Also, people were not ASSIGNED to be The Receiver if Memory, but were ‘SELECTED’. There would only be one person to be selected as the Receiver but as for other Assignments, many people could be assigned to that same Assignment. Hence, this shows that the Assignment of being The Receiver of Memory was more respected as compared to the other assignments. On the other hand, Assignments such as Birthmothers and Night Crew Workers at the Nurturing Centre were looked down upon. It was thought to have ‘very little honour’ in being a Birthmother and ‘lacking in prestige’. Night Crew Nurturing was known to be ‘a lesser job’ where ‘those who lacked the interest or skills or insight for the more vital jobs of the daytime hours’ would be assigned to. These people lacked ‘the essential capacity to connect with others’. Hence, this shows that there were Assignments in the community which were looked down upon and not all the Assignments in the community were equal and respected.
The system of allocating the people their Assignments reflects that Jonas’s society was pragmatic. The Elders were practical in choosing the Assignments for the people. This is evident from the fact that they chose the people’s Assignments based on their strengths and what they excelled in, and not where their interests lay. The Elders would observe the Elevens ‘at recreation time and during volunteer hours’ so that they could allocate the Assignments before the Ceremony of the Twelves. They were very ‘careful in their observations and selections’. This way, the Elders ensured that every position and role was filled in by the most suitable person in the community so that the community could function well. Thus, this shows that Jonas’s society was a pragmatic society.
After analyzing the allocation of Assignments in Jonas’s society, I feel very glad that I am able to decide what I would like to do and work as when I grow up. I would very much rather choose a job that I have interest for, than what I excel in. This is because to me, to be able to enjoy doing something, one must have love and passion for it. Hence, if I do not like what I work as and what I work for, I would not find joy and happiness while working. Therefore, I am very glad and grateful that I can make this decision of deciding my future on my own.